Please note that the process regarding the economic situation in Sweden due to the covid-19 outbreak is ongoing. Additional governmental measures may alter and have an impact on what is mentioned. This is not a guide book on what to do, nor a complete list of sources. We are updating the section continuously based on the information at hand.

Informative and useful guide to the Swedish relief packages here.

New: Updated crisis package

On 25 March 2020, the Government presented an additional crisis package aimed at SMBs. The proposition includes a state loan guarantee for 70% of new loans, temporarily reduced employer's contribution fees, temporary discounts on rents for particularly affected industries, and other specific measure targeted at SMBs. The proposition was formally handed to the Parliament on 30 March.

More info: Updated crisis package

New: SEK 300bn Crisis Support Package

On March 16, 2020, the Swedish government announced the Crisis Support package for Swedish Companies and Jobs. The package has been announced in order to mitigate the economic effects of the covid-19 outbreak. It is expected to amount to SEK ~300bn. The entire package was included in the amended budget, presented to the Swedish parliament on 20 March 2020. The package was approved by Parliament on 3 April and came into effect 7 April 2020. The government proposed additional measures on 14 April.

SE government crisis package

New: SEK 125bn additional lending framework

On 20 March, 2020, an additional package focused om SME liquidity was presented, adding up to SEK 125bn in loans to companies. This package does not need to pass through Parliament and is hence already in motion, although the terms of which the money is being lent need to be finalized.

SE government lending package

New: Riksbank lends up to SEK 500bn to safeguard credit supply

Riksbanken = Central bank of Sweden

To avoid robust companies being knocked out as a result of the spread of the coronavirus, the Executive Board of the Riksbank decided on 13 March 2020 to lend up to SEK 500 billion to companies via the banks. The aim is to maintain the supply of credit to Swedish companies. The Riksbank is prepared to take further measures and to supply necessary liquidity.

Riksbank credit supply package